A Solid iOS/Mobile Game Creator

Ideas for Game Editor evolution.

A Solid iOS/Mobile Game Creator

Postby kickstart » Wed Feb 27, 2013 2:36 pm

Considering that iOS is the thing to develop for now, and that PC is almost a non-exsistent platform for any profit, that Game Editor needs to strongly focus on iOS, including iPhone, iPad, and other options beyond iOS like Android, and eventually Windows Phone(It that would ever take off). Game Editor can really make its way into a popular developing program and make a lot of money if it really focuses on Mobile Platforms, and I think it strongly needs to do this. Game Editor is the easiest program I have ever used to code and I would love to see a lot of amazing new feautures optimized for iOS.

I have already purcchased Geplayer and will continue to support game editor. I would just like to see them really innovate the iOS field, and I knew you could.
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Re: A Solid iOS/Mobile Game Creator

Postby skydereign » Wed Feb 27, 2013 7:59 pm

JetpackGrizzly wrote:Considering that iOS is the thing to develop for now, and that PC is almost a non-exsistent platform for any profit,

Not quite, but improvements to iOS and android are definitely something we want, and something we are aiming for. Things just have been rather slow right now, and priority still goes to getting 1.5 released (since it is the closest and largest change). And assuming akr updates the geapp/geplayer when 1.5 comes out, multitouch will be better supported (again 1.5 may still take some time).
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Re: A Solid iOS/Mobile Game Creator

Postby kickstart » Thu Feb 28, 2013 3:18 am

I am very much looking forward to version 1.5, and multitouch is something that will be an amazing feature and innovation for iOS. I know you cannot speak for the future of Game Editor, but do you know of ideas that may become a reality or are being worked on for iOS? What version is makslane working on that he posted on this forum that has net capabilities and a whole new interface?
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Re: A Solid iOS/Mobile Game Creator

Postby kickstart » Thu Feb 28, 2013 3:23 am

JetpackGrizzly wrote:What version is makslane working on that he posted on this forum that has net capabilities and a whole new interface?

He posted it under the General section of Development like three years ago, but never really got a further update of what version this is exactly.
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Re: A Solid iOS/Mobile Game Creator

Postby skydereign » Thu Feb 28, 2013 3:34 am

JetpackGrizzly wrote:multitouch is something that will be an amazing feature and innovation for iOS.

It isn't innovation, but it is essential if gE has any hopes of making good games for mobile.

JetpackGrizzly wrote:I know you cannot speak for the future of Game Editor, but do you know of ideas that may become a reality or are being worked on for iOS?

You seem to be under the impression that there is a larger development force behind gE than what we really have. There are just three of us, and we don't have nearly enough time to spend on improving gE. Our current goal for iOS, get the new geapp working so that games can use multitouch, and akr has said that he won't do this until 1.5.

JetpackGrizzly wrote:What version is makslane working on that he posted on this forum that has net capabilities and a whole new interface?

That isn't really a version. The code exists in the repository, but is not functional enough. makslane is not working on it, or pretty much anything else. makslane has been helping facilitate the merge of the two gE repositories, and monitoring the development of the flash port (which is being worked on). While most of my work has been improving the editor, I have not been able to make the new interface work, and therefore am just improving the current one. So no progress on getting networking or that new interface.
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Re: A Solid iOS/Mobile Game Creator

Postby kickstart » Thu Feb 28, 2013 3:59 am

It isn't innovation, but it is essential if gE has any hopes of making good games for mobile.

Well, it would be a good innovation for Game Editor as a program I was saying.

You seem to be under the impression that there is a larger development force behind gE than what we really have. There are just three of us, and we don't have nearly enough time to spend on improving gE. Our current goal for iOS, get the new geapp working so that games can use multitouch, and akr has said that he won't do this until 1.5.

Well, I guess that I was under the impression that there was more development force behind gE. Because I guess gE is the best game engine I have ever used and see so many ways it could be a groundbreaking game developing program, that is following the path of being the easiest way to develop an iOS app, or game. You guys truly need to let Game Editor take off, because it has the potential to. It's kind of disappointing that there is only three people behind it, and cannot actively work on it. I guess I don't know what else you actively do, or how much gE makes. Nor is that any of my business, but the program should be making a lot of money, or it needs a lot more publicity to developers.

That isn't really a version. The code exists in the repository, but is not functional enough. makslane is not working on it, or pretty much anything else. makslane has been helping facilitate the merge of the two gE repositories, and monitoring the development of the flash port (which is being worked on). While most of my work has been improving the editor, I have not been able to make the new interface work, and therefore am just improving the current one. So no progress on getting networking or that new interface.

What is the flash port? Well, I really like that new interface, and I am sad to see that it will not be getting anywhere anytime soon. I'm sorry if I sound stupid with all of this, because this truly is not really any of my business. It is not my program and I cannot decide what happens to it, just share my opinion I guess. I just see a diamond in this program, and would love to see it become famous, and for all three of you, or whoever has made gE, become wealthy for creating such a great program.
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Re: A Solid iOS/Mobile Game Creator

Postby skydereign » Thu Feb 28, 2013 4:46 am

JetpackGrizzly wrote: I'm sorry if I sound stupid with all of this, because this truly is not really any of my business. It is not my program and I cannot decide what happens to it, just share my opinion I guess.

The future of gE is any users' or potential users' business. It is an important topic, many people choose to use a program or to not use one based on how active the community and developers are. This general conversation is brought up every once in a while.

JetpackGrizzly wrote:I guess I don't know what else you actively do, or how much gE makes. Nor is that any of my business, but the program should be making a lot of money, or it needs a lot more publicity to developers.

gE no longer makes money directly, as you no longer need to buy a license to sell your games. This though is not the case if you are using tools such as geapp, which can still require an annual subscription fee. But even then, by the forum activity one can intuit that there aren't many people making games with gE. And even smaller number of them are releasing commercial games. One of the major problems discussed when gE's future is brought up is the lack of publicity. But there are still things to be done before any great push will be successful.

JetpackGrizzly wrote: Because I guess gE is the best game engine I have ever used and see so many ways it could be a groundbreaking game developing program, that is following the path of being the easiest way to develop an iOS app, or game.

gE isn't the only game engine that ports to iOS. In fact there are a lot out there already, each has some advantage over the others.

JetpackGrizzly wrote:What is the flash port?

A developer is working on adding an export option so we can make flash games. This is pretty important step for gE, as a flash export will allow people to share their games more readily, not to mention people will be able to test games made with gE before they choose to use it or not. The export seems to be making progress, but I don't have any release date estimate.
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Re: A Solid iOS/Mobile Game Creator

Postby kickstart » Thu Feb 28, 2013 5:20 am

Sorry, I'm using my iPhone now so using quotes is a pain in the neck:

Oh, flash based games would be an incredible step, having the option for my games to run online has been something I have been thinking about lately.

How does geapp work for pricing, I guess I didn't know it was a suscription?

I know there are plenty of game engines that can be exported to iOS, but none that are as simple as gE coding and overall game creation wise. I just think the if gE would make more money, then improvements and updates would come faster as this would be more of an income and more time could be dedicated to the creation of gE? I dont know how old any of the developers are nor what other projects they are involved in.

Do you think game editor (geplayer, geapp, etc) will ever become very popular and be a respected game engine among a wide amount of developers in the game field? Or I am just overestimating this?
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Re: A Solid iOS/Mobile Game Creator

Postby skydereign » Thu Feb 28, 2013 5:39 am

JetpackGrizzly wrote:How does geapp work for pricing, I guess I didn't know it was a suscription?

I didn't mean that it does. I just meant that it is possible to make money of tools like geapp. For instance that is currently how you can download the gemac project. The geapp project though doesn't require any fee to use.

JetpackGrizzly wrote:I know there are plenty of game engines that can be exported to iOS, but none that are as simple as gE coding and overall game creation wise.

To each their own. The more people that believe this, the better off gE is.

JetpackGrizzly wrote: I just think the if gE would make more money, then improvements and updates would come faster as this would be more of an income and more time could be dedicated to the creation of gE? I dont know how old any of the developers are nor what other projects they are involved in.

makslane used to be able to work on gE full time, but it simply does not make enough money for that. If somehow gE started making money (which isn't directly possible any more) that would help pay for improvements, but gE has to become popular first. And gE won't become popular until we can do some massive changes (which requires money and time). A rather tricky dilemma.

JetpackGrizzly wrote:Do you think game editor (geplayer, geapp, etc) will ever become very popular and be a respected game engine among a wide amount of developers in the game field? Or I am just overestimating this?

gE has plenty of potential to be improved. I wouldn't say it could ever become the best development tool for cross platform games, but at least one that people mention when comparing other similar game tools (game salad, game maker, scratch, xna, and so on).
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Re: A Solid iOS/Mobile Game Creator

Postby kickstart » Thu Feb 28, 2013 1:18 pm

How does any program become popular? Advertisement, Social Media, and by mouth. I learned about gE from somebody else because they liked it so much. That sure is a tricky dilemma, and i dont know how much time you need to spend to work on the game but this program is worth fixing up to make the proper improvements to start making money off of. Unless everybody else developing it is making a fortune with some other project of there's, which would be something I was highly unaware of.

I personally have told many people about gE, and they will tell more people. I just hope that gE won't die. I wish I could be a developer or know somebody that could be, but that really isn't my expertise.
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