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Re: Next gEF moderator candidate?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 3:30 pm
by DeltaLeeds
bat78 wrote:It is just that you were a bit (okay a lot) hasty ..and reckless. Our community doesn't even consist of 15 active people from this point and in such cases.. having mod happens without voting, but someone hired by the admin (which in our case doesn't exist). We are not enough to cast such a vote and this is very dangerous. And in that case ..disastrous.

Absolutely true, I'll keep remembering this before attempting to try anything risky. And yeah maybe we shouldn't choose, the admin should, but well I'll just be checking the poll so I know who the currently active members think is a responsible user. :P

Re: Next gEF moderator candidate?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 3:32 pm
by bat78
jonathang wrote:
bat78 wrote:It is just that you were a bit (okay a lot) hasty ..and reckless. Our community doesn't even consist of 15 active people from this point and in such cases.. having mod happens without voting, but someone hired by the admin (which in our case doesn't exist). We are not enough to cast such a vote and this is very dangerous. And in that case ..disastrous.

Absolutely true, I'll keep remembering this before attempting to try anything risky. And yeah maybe we shouldn't choose, the admin should, but well I'll just be checking the poll so I know who the currently active members think is a responsible user. :P

Yeah. You can change the voting poll to something like.. "Who do you think is the most responsible" or something.

Re: Next gEF moderator candidate?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 3:35 pm
by knucklecrunchgames
Wtf? How is this dangerous? It does not pose a threat to anyone.

Re: Next gEF moderator candidate?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 3:37 pm
by bat78
knucklecrunchgames wrote:Wtf? How is this dangerous? It does not pose a threat to anyone.

I knew you will pop up with the words of not understanding what happens.
The community is small enough for me to know you all.

Choosing a mod shouldn't be as easy just like I said. Most of us might not even know what mod means in terms of work and history. Some of us, vote based on w/e they want to base it on. The most of us just want friendly community. And since our community is little anyway, "most of us" basically means almost the entire community.
Which is good.. but we don't need friendly community. This isn't going to revive gE.

Re: Next gEF moderator candidate?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 4:19 am
by Bee-Ant
knucklecrunchgames wrote:Wtf? How is this dangerous? It does not pose a threat to anyone.

Election > agreement > disagreement > debate > can't control > tease/flame/badmouthing/cornerning/ > counter attack

Small "nice" discussion could potentially become a huge catasthrope. This thing happened once in here. So I'm not surprised if Bat78 is that worried :D

Why don't we just develop games with GE? it's much more productive than choosing new mod.

Re: Next gEF moderator candidate?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 4:34 am
by bat78
Bee-Ant wrote:
knucklecrunchgames wrote:Wtf? How is this dangerous? It does not pose a threat to anyone.

Election > agreement > disagreement > debate > can't control > tease/flame/badmouthing/cornerning/ > counter attack

Small "nice" discussion could potentially become a huge catasthrope. This thing happened once in here. So I'm not surprised if Bat78 is that worried :D

Why don't we just develop games with GE? it's much more productive than choosing new mod.

Well, the idea was based out of a kcg's frantic wish to vote for LcL for a mod (Again, sorry for mentioning you). and that's just how it started.
By the way I just woke up from a 1h nap and I might be still a bit dizzy.

Re: Next gEF moderator candidate?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 10:47 am
by Turon
The votes seem very equally match, it may be a tie... seems a little weird that us forum members are electing the next mod as apposed to one being picked by makslane...
bat78 wrote:but we don't need friendly community. This isn't going to revive gE.

what is the exact definition of a friendly community? If a friendly community is a place of cooperation collaboration as apposed to a place where everyone is fighting over petty things, I'd go with the "friendly community" I would however agree that a "friendly community" alone cannot revive gE. Just what kind of "community" do you envision?

Re: Who is the most responsible gE member?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 10:57 am
by bat78
I never said our community must not be friendly ? And if I did, may you please quote where specifically I did? God why everyone cannot stop misinterpreting my words..

Re: Who is the most responsible gE member?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 10:58 am
by Turon
sorry bat78, I'm just trying to understand... I'd agree though that choosing a mod is no laughing matter...

Re: Who is the most responsible gE member?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 11:01 am
by bat78
Turon wrote:sorry bat78, I'm just trying to understand...

Of course one community must be also friendly. What kind of person would like a permanently belligerent community.

My only point is what you already agreed on. What most of us sadly want (and fight for) is a friendly community more than anything else, which is not going to improve Game-Editor..not to mention reviving gE. People here are nice (became out of very nice), which is good. The bad is that it seems to be likely the only active goal people fight for nowadays.
Although, those who voted for Jolteon show that they want/also want Rightness, Law and Justice.
Because Jolteon doesn't glorify as someone as nice as LcL.. but is capable to turn things right and take cases in his hands, while being maybe / completely / independent.

Of course, words will not revive gE. But what started (and thankfully ended) was about to only kill it even more.
It will still be like so of course (despite evolving slower), because those who still prefer "Friendly Community of friends" over "Friendly Community of active developers" won't listen to me regardless what I say.

Re: Who is the most responsible gE member?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 11:11 am
by Turon
Okay, so the first thing on your mind is improving the gE software, that makes sense... if I could I'd also be developing the GE software... I hope to learn C++.
oh wait I've just read the title of this topic is who is the most responsible gE member?
thats a tough one...

Re: Who is the most responsible gE member?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 11:14 am
by bat78
Turon wrote:Okay, so the first thing on your mind is improving the gE software, that makes sense...
oh wait I've just read the title of this topic is who is the most responsible gE member?
thats a tough one...

Yeah well.. the most responsible member concerning the community is obviously LcL.
Not like this is important and people don't know it notwithstanding the voting.

I am not, because I don't care what happens with you all, if it is not related to developing or improving gE / gE community. (Oh look, it's my 666th post)
And after gE is either improved or revived.. then I can start being interested to your off-topic things like your life your mood etc.
You see.. I am a busy person who actually do things. Work on more things you can imagine. And I am not kinda interested into virtual relations with gamers.
Even if they are very cool, funny, nice LcL. Of course I respect you, which is why I will always help on-topic and develop for you and advocate for you,
but don't make me guilty, because I am "rude" when you show nothing else but laziness or irrationality or rashness or excuses or nonchalance or ingratitude or a combination of these.

This is Community Of Game Developers to discuss projects, discuss ideas, help each other with these, release demos..
Not just a Community Of People who also play games. Isn't it like so?? ...or do I live in illusion.

Re: Who is the most responsible gE member?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 11:27 am
by Turon
from what I understand a moderator removes spam, bans spammers and deletes inflammatory posts, from what I understand a moderator is more of a community role than a developer role...

Re: Who is the most responsible gE member?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 11:31 am
by bat78
Turon wrote:from what I understand a moderator removes spam, bans spammers and deletes inflammatory posts, from what I understand a moderator is more of a community role than a developer role...

Yeah. Quite true observation-boy. But we don't talk about mods anymore are we..

Re: Next gEF moderator candidate?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 3:46 pm
by knucklecrunchgames
Let's vot meeeeee!!!! I so respwonsable and Is willls killsss spammms ands bannss eyones like a 10 years olds on blacks ops2.

(Just kidding. Thought we could use some humour.)